Competitor keyword research is an often overlooked but important strategy for PPC marketing. It helps to identify which keywords your competitor currently is bidding on, so you can evaluate the likelihood of those keywords working for your business. The more competitive a keyword is, the more difficult it is likely to be for a small business to rank for it. Instead, it is more likely that the business will need to compete with larger companies bidding on it.

Competitor keyword research is a way to analyze keywords that your competitors use in their content and their paid and organic search traffic. Its primary goal is to identify keywords (the terms users type into a search engine to find information) that your competitor is ranking for, as well as the keywords they weren’t ranking for (or keywords they aren’t ranking for anymore).

How To Do Competitor Keyword Analysis

Know Your Audience

Keywords are phrases people type into search engines to find what they’re looking for online. A competitor keyword analysis is when you find out what keywords people might type to search for a product or service like yours. If you’d like to create content that engages readers, you need to understand why they’re reading your content. With this analysis, you can understand the keywords people are searching for related to your business or industry. You can do this on both a national and local level.

Know Your Top Competitor

When trying to grow your business through organic search, it’s crucial to know who your top competitors are and what they’re doing to rank at the top of search results. Knowing this information can help you optimize your website better, and it can also help you develop a better strategy for content development to help your site rank higher.

Starting with keywords, one of the important first steps in SEO is to identify your top competitors. You need to know what they are doing to beat you. For competitive analysis, you need to know what keywords they are using to get top rankings.

Start Your Keyword Research

Keyword research is a foundational tool for building a successful SEO strategy. It tells you what words and phrases people are searching for and which search terms are driving traffic. To find the best keywords for your business, you should conduct a competitive keyword analysis and learn more about the search terms that your competitors are using to attract visitors. 

When doing keyword research, many people focus on their SEO strategy. Keyword research is one of the most important parts of an SEO campaign because it helps you create a list of keywords that are searched for frequently by potential users but do not have a lot of competition. Competitor keyword analysis, or “competitor research,” as some people call it, helps you find keywords that are used by your competition and rank well for them.

Here Are Some Competitor Keyword Analysis Tools

Google Alert

Lots of companies, including Google, offer keyword analysis reports. They offer reviews and screening for the most searched terms by consumers looking to find goods and services. But creating a Google Alert can be complicated. It requires using a variety of different keyword searches, with the added benefit of replacing them with the keywords you are monitoring.

Google Keyword Planner

A competitor keyword analysis is a process of identifying which keywords your competitors are targeting so you can optimize your website and content for them. While Google Keyword Planner and Google Analytics provide helpful insights, they are not quite comprehensive enough to give a full picture of your competitor’s keywords. That’s where social mentions come in.

The Google Keyword Planner is a free tool (available to everyone with a Google account) that can tell you what people are searching for on Google. This is great if you want to optimize your website for those searches, but what if you want to optimize your website for your competitors? Enter competitor keyword analysis.

Social Mention

By tracking keywords related to your brand, competitors, and industry, you can gain insight into what your audience is searching for. You can track competitors by monitoring social media conversations, then pinpoint keywords that are driving the most traffic and conversions. Noticing what people are talking about, sharing, and linking to on social media can help you identify what your competitors have going for them and what you can do to outshine them.


The keyword analysis tool in Semrush is a great tool when you are trying to optimize your website. This helps you find out what keywords are driving traffic to the site and which ones have little to no traffic. Use this tool to find out which keywords are driving traffic to the website and which ones are driving little to no traffic. Use the data you collect to target the keywords that will generate the most traffic.

Competitor Keyword Analysis is a research tool that helps businesses find product keywords and content ideas. It helps marketers compare how well-performing keywords perform in search compared to competitors. It builds intelligence around competitors’ keywords, so marketers can use this information to improve their content strategy.